Sunday, June 6, 2010

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?

One of the side benefits to the writing life is getting to meet and hang out with other writers. In my case, mystery writers—who seem to be some of the nicest and funniest people around. So let me name drop. Coming over for shrimp and grits today are the Unarmed But Dangerous tour group: Elaine Viets, Rosemary Harris, Melanie Cole, and Donna Andrews, escorted by local mystery maven Molly Weston.

Also my local pals, Bren Bonner (Witchger), Sarah Shaber, Diane Chamberlain, Alexandra Sokoloff, and Katy Munger (aka Gallagher Gray and Chaz McGee.) Go read their websites and you’ll see why I’m looking forward to this evening. Wish y’all could pull up a chair to the table, too!

(And don't forget to come talk to me on Facebook.)

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