Sunday, February 27, 2011

What Men Really Want

Nothing says spring like a freshly plowed garden ready for peas and potatoes to be planted.

Freud was pretty sure he knew what women wanted. Most women I know think he was full of it. So men are welcome to argue when I say I'm pretty sure we know what every man with more than an acre of land wants:

(1) a pickup truck

and (2) a red tractor.

(Or a green one in a pinch.)

We celebrated #1 granddaughter's birthday yesterday with a gathering of the extended family. Minutes before the cake was to be brought in with the requisite number of lighted candles, a neighbor arrived to run rows for our garden. Immediately, all the men piled outside to watch as if it were the Superbowl.

To me, tractors are like beach cottages and sailboats. I don't want to own one, I just want good friends who do. Like our good neighbor who came and ran us half a dozen rows now that spring is almost here.

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